OUR ANNUAL Investors

President’s Circle


Invest in Chamber Programming

There are many ways to invest in Chamber programming and reach your target market. Flip through the 2024-2025 Investment Booklet below, and contact Lauren Moore, Vice President of Communications & Programming, to secure a sponsorship today.

Benefits of Investing in the chamber


Chamber events are highly publicized, and so are our investors! Your company’s brand name and investment recognition is included at events, in the Chamber Newsletter, on our website, and in all collateral materials to help you lock in valuable public recognition. Our investment opportunities are designed to help you promote your business easily and affordably.

Premier Brand Association

The Greater Williamsburg Chamber is the largest and most active business organization in the region. If your company strives to have its name recognized with professionals, executives, managers, and other influential decision-makers, sponsorships are the answer.

Access to New Brand Relationships

The unique one-on-one marketing aspects of our programming give you access to dozens of new clients and customers. Our programming is also designed to create an environment where you can renew and strengthen relationships with existing clients and customers!

Customized investment Packages

Many creative opportunities exist to tailor an investment package to showcase your business and reach your target market. Let us work with you to create the perfect investment match for your business.


Learn More

If you’d like to learn more about how investing can benefit you and your business, contact our team today. We’d love to connect and partner with you!